Award of Scholarships to Vietnamese Students

In 2008, a scholarship has been awarded to two Vietnamese students of the regional Graduate School of Law of the French University Center in Hanoi.

The two scholarship recipients, Nguyen Thi Hong Nhung “Protection of Copyright in Cyberspace” and Doan Thi Phuong Diep “Creating In Rem Security in Vietnam” received this scholarship up to 2011 and are currently continuing their university studies.

From 2011 to 2013, four additional students will receive a scholarship. The scholarships awarded are intended to cover university tuition fees for 3 years, transportation costs and on-campus housing costs at their exchange university in France for 1 month to pursue their research, as well as expenses incurred during their second visit of one-week for the defense of their theses.

Newspaper article (link to article concerning the Vietnam scholarship, in french)

In 2010 and 2011, grants were awarded to Vietnamese students to enable them to attend the Summer University in Paris.